Greetings, Bryce Biggs here Strategy Lead at YourBigPic. Here to talk about pivoting in the context of Business Architecture. To recap, to pivot means fundamentally to change the direction of a business when you realize the current products or services are not meeting the needs of the market. Alternatively, it can be to change processes to reach the market.
One of ten types of pivots identified by Ries back in 2011 was a business architecture pivot. And the business architecture pivot is the one that we are going to discuss in today's session.
At the time, Ries wrote, he identified two basic forms of business architecture. Today, it is a greatly developed field and various frameworks have been identified to address it effectively. The BizBOK™ framework - the business architecture body of knowledge framework - essentially identifies eleven different elements that make up the business architecture framework, of which the two most central ones probably are capabilities and value streams. And they also identified some useful questions to ask about to the elements of your business architecture.
Today, business architecture is placed in the wider context of enterprise architecture - and enterprise architecture, in addition to business architecture, covers capital, governance, information, technology and security architecture. So, a review of your business architecture really needs a wide-ranging analysis of where you are.
An up-to-date review of your business architecture could well make sense. Can we help you examine it? Schedule a no obligation discussion with us at YourBigPic to explore how our six-lens, interactive, Wicked Challenges™ approach can help you pivot to your optimal future business opportunities.
We will apply the Wicked Challenges™ approach - a six-lens interactive way of tackling your necessary business architecture challenges. So, we will be looking at how to resource it, collaborate it, frame it, innovate it, measure it, and how to iterate it. All these lenses will enable us to get a very clear view of what your business architecture needs are.
Thank you.