Following discussions, debates and several conversations with experts in the field of HR, Recruitment as well as business owners and managers YourBigPic found that Onboarding and Reboarding can be divided into the following issues/concerns.
Employees have realised that working from home is a workable option.
Employers have realised that though they may have had reservations, that employees did deliver the required results working from home.
Employees found that working from home actually saved them money.
Employers raised concerns that with staff not using their rented offices, their costs were the same and needed to find a workable option.
Employees were happy to discuss a hybrid approach as they felt this was a bigger win for them.
Employers were prepared to discuss a hybrid approach as it meant that at least some of the time staff would be in the office.
Employees did not really get involved with the legalities of the situation - viz a vie IT security, insurance, GDPR, change of contract etc.
Employers had not really thought of the impact on IT security, insurance, GDPR, change of contract etc if there was a change of working practice.
The above list has been collated and YourBigPic are looking forward to the next discussion as to how the different areas of the business can overcome any of the issues and introduce a successful working practice.
Challenges and Opportunities in both environments - let's discuss.