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Wicked Challenges ™
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An ode to Strategy and YourBigPic. Give us a call and sing along with Jimmy Soul.

What's on your pad?

Tell us your challenge

So, you analysed your SWOT;
And it gave you diddly squat;

SWOT Analysis Matrix by

Replayed your PESTEL again and again;
Till it gave you an extensive headache pain;

PESTEL + E diagram by

Balanced your Scorecard;
Till Norton would praise you hard;

Balanced Scorecard Framework from

Pivoted your Business Model, wet your toes in Oceans Blue;
But discovered that big sharks swim there too;

Blue Ocean Strategy uploaded to

Relooked at your Words On The Wall in handsome oak frame and non-reflective glass;
The one consultant wrote for you on that awesome break - you felt it had real class;

The consultant sits in the Bahamas sipping pina colada and looking the part;
The words are gathering dust - even the cleaners losing heart;

Image by tonodiaz on Freepik

The board are looking dubious and muttering Sell By Date;
Your bestie golf companion suggests - Dust off your CV mate;

The board think you’ve lost the plot or maybe your bottle;
They think solving the problems you think you have should be a real doddle;

The challenges mount up day by day – gender, Black Like me, remote working, and circular economy;
And each has its own distinct patois, and none can see;

The bigger picture but all say me, me;
Recruitment's become a nightmare, staff are in disarray;

Engagement stats are down again – people are moving away;
The team? The team? are milling around and feeling spent;

Meanwhile in the twilight competitors circle the tent;
You’re on the family’s shoot list;

Pooch growls at you on sight – what a twist;

Old English sheepdog by

Then through the swirling mist words emerge;

BIG PICTURE® and All your team on the same page – do you feel the surge?

Picture from

So, if you want to banish the migraine from your head;

Go home early at night and sleep in your family bed;

Give Big Mart a call - he’ll answer first ring if he’s not feeding the bees and ants;

BSA D3 Bantam trials bike picture by Steven Beavis

Or out scaring the neighbours on his Bandit wearing his favourite pants;

Or try Bryce his strategy point man who can’t find his favourite Drucker book;

And fears he loaned it to someone who didn’t even give it a look;

An ode to Strategy and YourBigPic. Give us a call and sing along with Jimmy Soul.