“It’s all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story. We are in between stories. The Old Story—the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it—is not functioning properly, and we have not learned the New Story.”
Thomas Berry (1914-2009). Photo by Lou Niznik.
We recommend the use of BIG PICTURE to secure commitment to strategic initiatives. This is achieved through carefully planned, facilitated, sessions.
We use the YourBigPic framework - powered by the BIG PICTURE Digital or Physical platform - to draw on your organisation’s wider expertise.
This assists us to collaboratively craft energising strategic solutions. Ideally, representatives of all key role players take part in such vital strategy sessions.
You have your pressing strategic challenges and priorities. If we are going to add value with you, we need to establish how – and whether - we can work together. What are your needs and are we equipped to assist you? To determine a possible strategic partnership, we would start with a no-obligation discussion (you can use the link below). In this exploratory chat, we would establish your priorities and see whether we have a useful fit.
We champion the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach as a foundation for strategy work we undertake. AI asks the question “What is working around here and how do we get more of it?”.
It then focuses attention on mobilising around a BHAG – a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. The SOAR framework - used to craft an Appreciative Strategy - is set out as:
STRENGTHS What are we great at?
OPPORTUNITIES What are the possibilities?
ASPIRATIONS What are our dreams or wishes?
RESULTS What are meaningful outcomes?
The real value of YourBigPic as a Solutions Provider