“Is this a threat to the notion of culture, or an opportunity? A challenge or a complement?!“ Pete Emms
Culture is about connection - connection to each other, connection to actions, even connection to objects as tools and symbols e.g. Stories of success, company role models and weekly meeting rituals;
Culture is complex and multilayered - accepting that this offers us less control over culture, helps access more control within culture e.g. A team's external cultural experiences can offer useful ideas;
Culture varies and that variety is inevitable - this becomes a balancing act between individual efficiency and multiples of engagement e.g. Do we push a culture at people or draw on their individual input?
Culture goes deep and is naturally unmanaged - left to the unconscious processes, some situations don’t need conscious cultural interventions e.g. Someone has customer focused habits;
Culture naturally structures but can become synthetic - soft structures help bond groups but hard structures can be used to control e.g. People 'act' in line with documented values.
Why Culture? Strategic goals and what culture can bring; and
The Wicked Challenge of Culture - Understanding the complexity view.
Cultures & Mapping - Identifying the variety of [sub]cultures in the network/ecosystem;
Exploring the Depths - Cracking open and going deep into the beliefs & assumptions; and
Cultures & Alignment - Where several [sub]cultures connect and agree.
Consensus Building - building shared themes from labels and flows; and
Performance Development - developing the communication practices required to expand engagement.